- Get a copy of all my self-published Python eBooks :
- Python 101 - 2nd Edition
- Python 201: Intermediate Python
- ReportLab: PDF Processing with Python
- Jupyter Notebook 101
- Creating GUI Applications with Python
- Pillow: Image Processing with Python
- Automating Excel with Python
- The Python Quiz Book
Is a blog about python programming language. You can see my work with python programming language, tutorials and news.
Saturday, March 9, 2024
News : All Books Bundle from Michael Driscoll
News : Website for Python users.
Friday, October 13, 2023
Python tool oletools.
Saturday, August 12, 2023
Python 3.10.12 : My colab tutorials and news from colab - part 036.
Thursday, August 10, 2023
Python 3.10.12 : My colab tutorials and news from colab - part 035.
# This is formatted as CUDA code
__global__ void cuda_hello(){
printf("Hello World from GPU!\n");
int main() {
return 0;
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Python 3.8.10 : My colab tutorials and news from colab - part 034.
echo "List all running VM processes."
ps -ef
echo "Done"
Sunday, June 11, 2023
Python Qt6 : Download for youtube with PyQt6.
import sys
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QHBoxLayout, QLineEdit, QPushButton, QProgressBar, QDialog, QComboBox, QLabel, QMessageBox
from PyQt6.QtGui import QIcon, QPixmap
from pytube import YouTube
from PyQt6.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QDialogButtonBox
class FormatChecker:
def __init__(self, url):
self.url = url
def check_formats(self):
yt = YouTube(self.url)
formats = []
streams = yt.streams.filter(only_video=True)
for stream in streams:
if stream.url:
format_info = {
'resolution': stream.resolution,
'file_extension': stream.mime_type.split("/")[-1]
print(" format_info ",format_info)
return formats
except Exception as e:
print("Error:", str(e))
return []
class FormatInfo:
def __init__(self, resolution, file_formats):
self.resolution = resolution
self.file_formats = file_formats
class ResolutionDialog(QDialog):
def __init__(self, formats, parent=None):
self.setWindowTitle("Select Resolution and File Format")
self.formats = formats
layout = QVBoxLayout(self)
self.resolution_combo = QComboBox(self)
for format_info in formats:
resolution = format_info.resolution
self.file_format_combo = QComboBox(self)
button_box = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Cancel)
def update_file_formats(self, resolution):
for format_info in self.formats:
if format_info.resolution == resolution:
file_formats = format_info.file_formats
def selected_resolution(self):
return self.resolution_combo.currentText()
def selected_file_format(self):
return self.file_format_combo.currentText()
def on_resolution_changed(self, index):
resolution = self.resolution_combo.currentText()
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
self.setWindowTitle("YouTube Downloader - selected - only_video =True")
central_widget = QWidget(self)
layout = QVBoxLayout(central_widget)
self.url_edit = QLineEdit()
download_button = QPushButton("Download")
progress_layout = QHBoxLayout()
self.progress_bar = QProgressBar()
self.progress_icon_label = QLabel(self)
pixmap = QPixmap("youtube.png") # Înlocuiți "path_to_icon.png" cu calea către iconul dorit
def show_resolution_dialog(self):
url = self.url_edit.text()
if url:
format_checker = FormatChecker(url)
formats = format_checker.check_formats()
format_infos = []
for format in formats:
resolution = format['resolution']
file_extension = format['file_extension']
format_info = next((info for info in format_infos if info.resolution == resolution), None)
if format_info:
format_info = FormatInfo(resolution, [file_extension])
dialog = ResolutionDialog(format_infos, self)
if dialog.exec() == QDialog.DialogCode.Accepted:
resolution = dialog.selected_resolution()
file_format = dialog.selected_file_format()
self.download_video(url, resolution, file_format)
print("Please enter a valid YouTube URL.")
def download_video(self, url, resolution, file_format):
yt = YouTube(url)
stream = yt.streams.filter(only_video=True, resolution=resolution, mime_type="video/" + file_format).first()
if stream:
print("Download completed!")
QMessageBox.question(self, "Download Completed", "The video has been downloaded successfully.", QMessageBox.StandardButton.Ok)
print("Error: The selected video format is not available for download.")
QMessageBox.question(self, "Download Error", "The selected video format is not available for download.", QMessageBox.StandardButton.Ok)
except Exception as e:
print("Error:", str(e))
QMessageBox.question(self, "Download Error", "An error occurred during the download.", QMessageBox.StandardButton.Ok)
def main():
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
window = MainWindow()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Thursday, March 9, 2023
Python 3.11.0 : The yattag python package.
pip install yattag --user
from yattag import Doc
doc, tag, text = Doc(
defaults = {
'title': 'Untitled',
'contact_message': 'You just won the lottery!'
errors = {
'contact_message': 'Your message looks like spam.'
with tag('h1'):
text('Contact form')
with tag('form', action = ""):
doc.input(name = 'title', type = 'text')
with doc.textarea(name = 'contact_message'):
doc.stag('input', type = 'submit', value = 'Send my message')
Sunday, March 5, 2023
Python Qt5 : OpenStreetMap with PyQtWebEngine.
pip install PyQtWebEngine --user
Collecting PyQtWebEngine
Downloading PyQtWebEngine-5.15.6-cp37-abi3-win_amd64.whl (182 kB)
---------------------------------------- 182.7/182.7 kB 580.6 kB/s eta 0:00:00
---------------------------------------- 60.0/60.0 MB 655.7 kB/s eta 0:00:00
Installing collected packages: PyQtWebEngine-Qt5, PyQtWebEngine
Successfully installed PyQtWebEngine-5.15.6 PyQtWebEngine-Qt5-5.15.2
import sys
from PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets import QWebEngineView
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QVBoxLayout
class MapWidget(QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
# Create a QWebEngineView object to display the map
self.map = QWebEngineView()
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
#map {
height: 100%;
<div id="map"></div>
<script src="https://openlayers.org/en/v4.6.5/build/ol.js"></script>
var map = new ol.Map({
target: 'map',
layers: [
new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.OSM()
view: new ol.View({
center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([0, 0]),
zoom: 2
# Create a QVBoxLayout to hold the map widget
layout = QVBoxLayout()
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
widget = MapWidget()
Sunday, March 13, 2022
Python : Issues with python install - part 001.
cd %localappdata%\Microsoft\WindowsApps
C:\Users\YOUR_USER\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps>dir python*
C:\Python379>python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip
Requirement already satisfied: pip in c:\users\
ERROR: Exception:
ValueError: Unable to find resource t64.exe in package pip._vendor.distlib
WARNING: You are using pip version 21.1.3; however, version 22.0.4 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'C:\Python379\python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
python -m pip uninstall pip setuptools
Found existing installation: pip 21.1.3
Uninstalling pip-21.1.3:
Uninstalling setuptools-57.2.0:
python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip
Requirement already satisfied: pip in c:\python379\lib\site-packages (22.0.4)
C:\Python379>python.exe -m pip install gravityai
Collecting gravityai
Using cached gravityai-0.1.3.post1.tar.gz (6.5 kB)
Preparing metadata (setup.py) ... done
Collecting pathlib~=1.0.1
Using cached pathlib-1.0.1.tar.gz (49 kB)
Preparing metadata (setup.py) ... done
Collecting websockets~=9.1
Downloading websockets-9.1-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl (90 kB)
---------------------------------------- 90.2/90.2 KB 850.2 kB/s eta 0:00:00
Collecting asyncio~=3.4.3
Downloading asyncio-3.4.3-py3-none-any.whl (101 kB)
---------------------------------------- 101.8/101.8 KB 1.2 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Successfully built gravityai pathlib
Installing collected packages: pathlib, asyncio, websockets, gravityai
Successfully installed asyncio-3.4.3 gravityai-0.1.3.post1 pathlib-1.0.1 websockets-9.1
python -m pip install --no-cache-dir --force-reinstall -Iv gravityai
full command: 'C:\Python310\python.exe' -c '
exec(compile(setup_py_code, filename, "exec"))
pip install gravityai --ignore-installed
Sunday, July 4, 2021
Python Qt5 : Parse files and show image with QPixmap .
import os
import io
import sys
import glob
from PIL import Image
from PIL import UnidentifiedImageError
from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMainWindow, QApplication, QLabel
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("files_path", type=Path, help='PATH of folder with files ')
parser.add_argument('-p','--print_files', action='store_true',
help='Print files from folder ')
parser.add_argument('-s','--show', action='store_true',
help='Show image in PyQt5 canvas!')
args = vars(parser.parse_args())
p = parser.parse_args()
print(p.files_path, type(p.files_path), p.files_path.exists())
files = os.listdir(p.files_path)
file_list = []
image_list = []
bad_files_list =[]
if args['print_files']:
print("These are files from folder "+str(p.files_path))
for f in file_list:
images_ext = str(Path(p.files_path))+'/*.png'
print("images_ext: "+images_ext)
for filename in glob.glob(images_ext): #assuming png
f = open(filename, 'rb')
file = io.BytesIO(f.read())
im = Image.open(file)
print(str(len(image_list))+" good file is"+filename)
except Image.UnidentifiedImageError:
for f in bad_files_list:
print("bad file is : " + f)
if args['show']:
value = input("Please enter the index of PNG image :\n")
print("Image number select default : " + value)
value = int(value)
if value <= len(image_list):
value = int(value)
print("The number image selected is greater then len of list images!")
value = len(image_list)
print("This is not a number, I set first image number.")
value = 1
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
super(MainWindow, self).__init__()
self.title = "Image Viewer"
label = QLabel(self)
pixmap = QPixmap(image_list[int(value)])
self.resize(pixmap.width(), pixmap.height())
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
w = MainWindow()
[mythcat@desk PIL001]$ python tool001.py
usage: tool001.py [-h] [-p] [-s] files_path
tool001.py: error: the following arguments are required: files_path
[mythcat@desk PIL001]$ python tool001.py ~/Pictures/
/home/mythcat/Pictures True
images_ext: /home/mythcat/Pictures/*.png
1 good file is/home/mythcat/Pictures/keyboard.png
2 good file is/home/mythcat/Pictures/Fedora_The_Pirate_CaribbeanHunt.png
3 good file is/home/mythcat/Pictures/website.png
4 good file is/home/mythcat/Pictures/Screenshot from 2021-02-19 19-24-32.png
97 good file is/home/mythcat/Pictures/Screenshot from 2021-07-03 17-31-23.png
98 good file is/home/mythcat/Pictures/Screenshot from 2021-07-03 17-46-05.png
bad file is : /home/mythcat/Pictures//home/mythcat/Pictures/Screenshot from 2021-02-07 14-58-56.png
bad file is : /home/mythcat/Pictures//home/mythcat/Pictures/evolution_logo.png
[mythcat@desk PIL001]$ python tool001.py ~/Pictures/ -p
/home/mythcat/Pictures True
These are files from folder /home/mythcat/Pictures
images_ext: /home/mythcat/Pictures/*.png
1 good file is/home/mythcat/Pictures/keyboard.png
2 good file is/home/mythcat/Pictures/Fedora_The_Pirate_CaribbeanHunt.png
3 good file is/home/mythcat/Pictures/website.png
97 good file is/home/mythcat/Pictures/Screenshot from 2021-07-03 17-31-23.png
98 good file is/home/mythcat/Pictures/Screenshot from 2021-07-03 17-46-05.png
bad file is : /home/mythcat/Pictures//home/mythcat/Pictures/Screenshot from 2021-02-07 14-58-56.png
bad file is : /home/mythcat/Pictures//home/mythcat/Pictures/evolution_logo.png
[mythcat@desk PIL001]$ python tool001.py ~/Pictures/ -s
/home/mythcat/Pictures True
images_ext: /home/mythcat/Pictures/*.png
97 good file is/home/mythcat/Pictures/Screenshot from 2021-07-03 17-31-23.png
98 good file is/home/mythcat/Pictures/Screenshot from 2021-07-03 17-46-05.png
bad file is : /home/mythcat/Pictures//home/mythcat/Pictures/Screenshot from 2021-02-07 14-58-56.png
bad file is : /home/mythcat/Pictures//home/mythcat/Pictures/evolution_logo.png
Please enter the index of PNG image :
Image number select default : 6
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Python 3.9.0 : Union and in-place union operators
Python introduces two new operators for dictionaries named union used in code with pipe operator | and in-place union used in python code with this |=.
I this tutorial I will show you how can be used:[mythcat@desk ~]$ python3.9
Python 3.9.0 (default, Oct 6 2020, 00:00:00)
[GCC 10.2.1 20200723 (Red Hat 10.2.1-1)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> step_one = {"worker_one":"task_one", "worker_two":"task_two"}
>>> step_two = {"worker_three":"task_one", "worker_fouw":"task_two"}
>>> merged_step_one_step_two = {**step_one, **step_two}
>>> empty = {}
>>> empty |= step_one
>>> empty
{'worker_one': 'task_one', 'worker_two': 'task_two'}
>>> step_one
{'worker_one': 'task_one', 'worker_two': 'task_two'}
>>> step_two
{'worker_three': 'task_one', 'worker_fouw': 'task_two'}
>>> all = step_one | step_two
>>> all
{'worker_one': 'task_one', 'worker_two': 'task_two', 'worker_three': 'task_one', 'worker_fouw': 'task_two'}
>>> copy_step_one = empty | step_one
>>> copy_step_one
{'worker_one': 'task_one', 'worker_two': 'task_two'}
>>> copy_step_one |= [("manager", "steps")]
>>> copy_step_one
{'worker_one': 'task_one', 'worker_two': 'task_two', 'manager': 'steps'}
You can easily see how to use these operators with the dictionaries created and how to add lists to dictionaries.
Operations with these operators always result in a dictionary.
The order of these operations is important, see example:
>>> numbers = {0: "zero", 1: "one"}
>>> numbers_one = {0: "zero", 1: "one"}
>>> numbers_two = {0: "zero", 2: "two"}
>>> numbers_one | numbers_two
{0: 'zero', 1: 'one', 2: 'two'}
>>> numbers_two | numbers_one
{0: 'zero', 2: 'two', 1: 'one'}
>>> numbers_three = {0: 'zero', 11: 'error 1', 22: 'error 2', 33:'error 3'}
>>> numbers_three | numbers_one
{0: 'zero', 11: 'error 1', 22: 'error 2', 33: 'error 3', 1: 'one'}
>>> numbers_one | numbers_three
{0: 'zero', 1: 'one', 11: 'error 1', 22: 'error 2', 33: 'error 3'}
You can see how the dictionaries are overwritten by the union operation.
These operations are implemented through dunder operations for most the dictionary objects except abstract classes.
Dunder or magic methods in Python are the methods having two prefix and suffix underscores in the method name.
You can find on this page.
Python 3.9.0 : Introduction to release 3.9.0.
[root@desk mythcat]# dnf install python39.x86_64
python39 x86_64 3.9.0-1.fc32
A new article written about this release shows some of the advantages of this programming language, you can read it here. [root@desk mythcat]# python3.9
Python 3.9.0 (default, Oct 6 2020, 00:00:00)
[GCC 10.2.1 20200723 (Red Hat 10.2.1-1)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
You can configure python with this command, see an example:
[root@desk mythcat]# python3.9-x86_64-config --libs
-lcrypt -lpthread -ldl -lutil -lm -lm
This release of Python 3.9 uses a new parser, based on parsing expression grammar (PEG) instead of LL(1) know as LL parser (Left-to-right, Leftmost derivation).
PEG parsers are more powerful than LL(1) parsers and avoid the need for special hacks.
This the same abstract syntax tree (AST) as the old LL(1) parser.
The PEG parser is the default, but you can run your program using the old parser, see the next example:
[mythcat@desk ~]$ python3.9 -X oldparser my_script_name.py
One of the most important improvements for me is PEP 614 -- Relaxing Grammar Restrictions On Decorators.
In Python 3.9, these restrictions are lifted and you can now use any expression.
buttons = {
"hello": QPushButton("hello word!"),
"bye": QPushButton("bye word!"),
"buy": QPushButton("buy!!"),
def speak_hello():
Yes, comes with another Python Enhancement Proposals - PEP 615 with support for the IANA Time Zone Database in the Standard Library.
This acronym is similar to I.A.N.A known as the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, but it is not the same. [mythcat@desk ~]$ python3.9
Python 3.9.0 (default, Oct 6 2020, 00:00:00)
[GCC 10.2.1 20200723 (Red Hat 10.2.1-1)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
>>> import zoneinfo
>>> zoneinfo.available_timezones()
{'Hongkong', 'America/Iqaluit', 'America/Indianapolis', 'America/Louisville', 'America/New_York',
'America/Mazatlan', 'Australia/Yancowinna', 'Africa/Ndjamena', 'Portugal', 'Africa/Bujumbura',
'America/Rosario', 'America/Antigua','America/Indiana/Tell_City', 'America/Managua',
'Europe/Paris', 'Europe/Oslo',
>>> tz = ZoneInfo("Europe/Bucharest")
>>> tz.
tz.clear_cache( tz.from_file( tz.key tz.tzname(
tz.dst( tz.fromutc( tz.no_cache( tz.utcoffset(
>>> tz.
On my desktop I got this result:
[mythcat@desk ~]$ python var_access_benchmark.py
Variable and attribute read access:
6.0 ns read_local
6.5 ns read_nonlocal
10.7 ns read_global
10.7 ns read_builtin
25.2 ns read_classvar_from_class
23.4 ns read_classvar_from_instance
34.3 ns read_instancevar
29.4 ns read_instancevar_slots
26.8 ns read_namedtuple
42.4 ns read_boundmethod
Variable and attribute write access:
6.6 ns write_local
7.0 ns write_nonlocal
23.3 ns write_global
54.1 ns write_classvar
46.4 ns write_instancevar
39.4 ns write_instancevar_slots
Data structure read access:
26.1 ns read_list
28.1 ns read_deque
27.5 ns read_dict
25.8 ns read_strdict
Data structure write access:
29.6 ns write_list
31.7 ns write_deque
34.4 ns write_dict
31.7 ns write_strdict
Stack (or queue) operations:
55.5 ns list_append_pop
49.7 ns deque_append_pop
51.0 ns deque_append_popleft
Timing loop overhead:
0.4 ns loop_overhead
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Python Qt5 : Use QStandardItem with Images.
This tutorial show you how to use QStandardItem with Images.
The source code is simple to understand.
import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QTreeView
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt5.QtGui import QFont, QColor, QImage, QStandardItemModel, QStandardItem
class ItemImage(QStandardItem):
def __init__(self, txt='', image_path='', set_bold=False, color=QColor(0, 0, 0)):
if image_path:
image = QImage(image_path)
self.setData(image, Qt.DecorationRole)
class MyApp(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
self.resize(1200, 1200)
treeView = QTreeView()
treeModel = QStandardItemModel()
rootNode = treeModel.invisibleRootItem()
robots = ItemImage('Robots', '', set_bold=True)
aaa = ItemImage('aaa.jpg', 'aaa.jpg', 14)
bbb = ItemImage('bbb.jpg', 'bbb.jpg', 16)
robots2 = ItemImage('Robots 2', '', set_bold=False)
aaa = ItemImage('ccc.png', 'ccc.png', 14)
bbb = ItemImage('ddd.jpg', 'ddd.jpg', 16)
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
demo = MyApp()
The result is this:
Monday, September 21, 2020
Python 3.8.5 : A sphere in Cartesian coordinates - part 001.
I like the equation of a sphere of radius R centered at the origin is given in Cartesian coordinates:
x*x + y*y + z*z = r*r
It is one of the first elements that helped me better understand mathematics and later the dynamics and theory of electromagnetic fields.
I did not find a graphical representation using python as accurately as possible without eliminating the discretion of the range from -1 and 1 and radius * radius = 1.
The main reason is the plot_surface from matplotlib python package.
This is output of my script:
[mythcat@desk ~]$ python sphere_xyz.py
[-1. -0.91666667 -0.83333333 -0.75 -0.66666667 -0.58333333
-0.5 -0.41666667 -0.33333333 -0.25 -0.16666667 -0.08333333
0. 0.08333333 0.16666667 0.25 0.33333333 0.41666667
0.5 0.58333333 0.66666667 0.75 0.83333333 0.91666667
1. ]
sphere_xyz.py:7: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt
return np.sqrt(1-x**2 - y**2)
sphere_xyz.py:18: UserWarning: Z contains NaN values. This may result in rendering artifacts.
surface1 = ax.plot_surface(X2, Y2, -Z2,rstride=1, cstride=1, linewidth=0,antialiased=True)
sphere_xyz.py:19: UserWarning: Z contains NaN values. This may result in rendering artifacts.
surface2 = ax.plot_surface(X2, Y2, Z2,rstride=1, cstride=1, linewidth=0,antialiased=True)
The image result is this:
The source code is this:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.colors import LightSource
def solve_Z2(x,y):
return np.sqrt(1-x**2 - y**2)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
xrange2 = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 25)
yrange2 = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 25)
X2, Y2 = np.meshgrid(xrange2, yrange2)
Z2 = solve_Z2(X2, Y2)
surface1 = ax.plot_surface(X2, Y2, -Z2,rstride=1, cstride=1, linewidth=0,antialiased=True)
surface2 = ax.plot_surface(X2, Y2, Z2,rstride=1, cstride=1, linewidth=0,antialiased=True)
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Python 3.8.5 : Linked List - part 001.
In computer science, a linked list is a linear collection of data elements whose order is not given by their physical placement in memory. see wikipedia.org.
In this tutorial I will show you how these linked list works and how can build with python programming language.Let's start with some basic elements:
- Linked List is a linear data structure;
- Linked List are not array;
- Linked List are not stored at a contiguous location because use pointes;
- Each element use a linked pointe;
- Linked List has a dynamic size;
- Linked List use operations like insertion and deletion for each element;
- The access to elements is sequentially;
- Using reference to pointer foe each element needs extra memory space and is not cache friendly;
The Linked List consists of at least two parts: data and pointer to the next node.
The first element of the list is called the head.
The last node has a reference to null.
The each element named node of the list has a similar structure like Linked List: data node and pointer to the next node.
The data from Linked list is represent like a sequence.
A number of operations are required to use the Linked List.
The basic operations supported by a list can be:
- insertion - adds an element at the beginning of the list;
- deletion - deletes an element at the beginning of the list;
- display - displays the complete list;
- search - searches an element using the given key;
- delete - deletes an element using the given key.
The Advantages of Linked List elements can be easily inserted or removed without reallocation or reorganization of the entire structure because the data items need not be stored contiguously in memory or on disk using operations.
The Linked List structure allows several ways to link nodes resulting in a number of types of Linked List:- Simple linked list;
- Doubly linked list;
- Multiply linked list;
- Circular linked list;
- Sentinel nodes;
- Empty lists;
- Hash linking;
- List handles;
- Combining alternatives;
Let's start with first source code for the first type of Linked List named Simple linked list.
Python 3.8.5 (default, Aug 12 2020, 00:00:00)
[GCC 10.2.1 20200723 (Red Hat 10.2.1-1)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> # create a node class
>>> class Node:
... # first initialise of the node object
... def __init__(self, data):
... # assign the node data
... self.data = data
... # initialize next element as null
... self.next = None
>>> # create a simple linked list
>>> class Simple_LinkedList:
... # first initialize of element named head
... def __init__(self):
... self.head = None
>>> # use the list
>>> if __name__=='__main__':
... simple_list = Simple_LinkedList()
... simple_list.head = Node(1)
... second = Node(2)
... third = Node(3)
... #link first node with the second
... simple_list.head.next = second
... #link second node with the third
... second.next = third
... # now the list is linked as a simple Linked List
This source code don't include any basic operations.
If you put this source code into python script and run it you will see this:
[mythcat@desk ~]$ python simple_LinkedList.py
<__main__.Node object at 0x7f35163e1ac0>
<__main__.Node object at 0x7f351638b0a0>
<__main__.Node object at 0x7f351638b130>
I create a basic operation for this simple Linked List to display the content of this list:
# create a simple linked list with a basic diplay operation
class Simple_LinkedList:
# first initialize of element named head
def __init__(self):
self.head = None
# use the basic operation for display
def display_Simple_LinkedList(self):
points_to_node = self.head
#will traverse the list to the last node.
while (points_to_node):
# print data linked to points_to_node
print (points_to_node.data)
# print next node linked to points_to_node
points_to_node = points_to_node.next
I run with this new python source code and result is this:
[mythcat@desk ~]$ python simple_LinkedList_basic_display.py
Monday, August 24, 2020
Python Qt5 : Get item data from QTreeWidgets.
I add a context_menu with two options.
One option is to get the data from item and is the name of the folder.
The second option is to close the application.
Let's see the source code:
import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QFileSystemModel, QDesktopWidget
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTreeView, QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QMenu
from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon
from PyQt5 import QtCore
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QObject
class my_app_tree(QWidget):
def __init__(self):
self.title = "show files and folders on tree view"
#self.left = 0
#self.top = 0
#self.width = 640
#self.height = 480
def center(self):
frame_geometry = self.frameGeometry()
center_position = QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry().center()
def context_menu(self, position):
menu = QMenu()
copy_action = menu.addAction("Get folder")
quit_action = menu.addAction("Quit")
action = menu.exec_(self.tree.mapToGlobal(position))
# quit application
if action == quit_action:
# copy folder name from item
elif action == copy_action:
item = self.tree.selectedIndexes()[0].data()
print("name folder is: "+str(item))
def initUI(self):
#the next source code line is used with left, top, width, height from __init__
#self.setGeometry(self.left, self.top, self.width, self.height)
self.model = QFileSystemModel()
self.tree = QTreeView()
self.tree.setWindowTitle("Dir View")
self.tree.resize(640, 480)
windowLayout = QVBoxLayout()
if __name__ == '__main__':
my_application = QApplication(sys.argv)
example = my_app_tree()
The result of this source code can be see in the next image:Sunday, August 23, 2020
Python Qt5 : Add and remove items between two QTreeWidgets.
The source code is very simple to understand: the user interface is created with two QTreeWidgets.
One is completed with elements and when the buttons are pressed, the elements are interchanged.
import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QDesktopWidget, QPushButton
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QBoxLayout,QTreeWidget,QTreeWidgetItem
class my_app_class(QWidget):
def __init__(self):
self.add_button=QPushButton('Add item here')
self.remove_button=QPushButton('Remove item')
# init the UI
def initUI(self):
# set title of window
self.setWindowTitle('add and remove items from QTreeWidget!')
self.resize(800, 480)
def center(self):
geometry_frame = self.frameGeometry()
center_pos = QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry().center()
def init_tree(self):
headers = ['A','B','C','D']
list_layout = QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout.LeftToRight)
tree_root = QTreeWidget.invisibleRootItem(self.tree_list)
# add data to QTreeWidget with QTreeWidgetItem
my_data = ['1','2','3','4']
item = QTreeWidgetItem()
for idx, data in enumerate(my_data):
item.setText(idx, data)
my_data = ['11','10','01','D']
item = QTreeWidgetItem()
for idx, data in enumerate(my_data):
item.setText(idx, data)
my_data = ['s', 'c', 'c', 'c']
item = QTreeWidgetItem()
for idx, data in enumerate(my_data):
item.setText(idx, data)
btn_layout = QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout.RightToLeft)
main_layout = QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout.TopToBottom)
return main_layout
def move_item(self):
sender = self.sender()
if self.add_button == sender:
source = self.tree_list
target = self.wishlist
source = self.wishlist
target = self.tree_list
item = QTreeWidget.invisibleRootItem(source).takeChild(source.currentIndex().row())
if __name__=='__main__':
# start the QApplication
my_application = QApplication(sys.argv)
# create aplication with the class
example = my_app_class()
# use exit for QApplication
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Python 3.8.5 : The hashlib python package - part 001.
The official webpage comes for this python package has this intro:
This module implements a common interface to many different secure hash and message digest algorithms. Included are the FIPS secure hash algorithms SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512 (defined in FIPS 180-2) as well as RSA’s MD5 algorithm (defined in Internet RFC 1321).
The example source code to test a simple hash is this:
import hashlib
import os
def file_sha1(filename):
BUF_SIZE = 65536 # read stuff in 64kb chunks!
get_sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
while True:
data = f.read(BUF_SIZE)
if not data:
return get_sha1.hexdigest()
# I add this comment after first to see the hash difference.
files = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f)]
for f in files:
h = file_sha1(f)
Let's test the source code with the default directory and two files.I run it first with default source code and then I add a comment to test_hash_file.py file.
You can see the hash is changed from b222523567a8a806382b86578717ddbd00e0f4b4 to 2134660551cc67812413a3a75fd12efb05d591ef.
[mythcat@desk Projects_Python]$ ls
test_hash_file.py test_numpy_001.py
[mythcat@desk Projects_Python]$ python test_hash_file.py
[mythcat@desk Projects_Python]$ python test_hash_file.py
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Python 3.8.5 : Pearson Product Moment Correlation with corrcoef from numpy.
This method has a limitation in that it can compute the correlation matrix between two variables only.
The full name is the Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC).
The PPMC is not able to tell the difference between dependent variables and independent variables.
The documentation about this function can be found here.
More examples of Pearson Correlation can be found on this website.
My example presented in this tutorial, use the random packet to randomly generate integers and then calculate the correlation coefficients.
All of these are calculated five times in a for a cycle and each time the seed parameters are changed randomly.
Each time the correlation matrices are printed and then the random number graphs are displayed.
Let's see the source code:
import random
import numpy as np
nr_integers = 100
size_integers = 100
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# set from 0 to 4 seed for random and show result
for e in range(5):
# change random seed
# nr_integers random integers between 0 and size_integers
x = np.random.randint(0, size_integers, nr_integers)
# Positive Correlation with some noise created with
# nr_integers random integers between 0 and size_integers
positive_y = x + np.random.normal(0, size_integers, nr_integers)
correlation_positive = np.corrcoef(x, positive_y)
# show matrix for correlation_positive
# Negative Correlation with same noise created with
# nr_integers random integers between 0 and size_integers
negative_y = 100 - x + np.random.normal(0, size_integers, nr_integers)
correlation_negative = np.corrcoef(x, negative_y)
# show matrix for output with plt
# set graphic for plt with two graphics for each output with subplot
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
# show the graph