

Showing posts with label Path. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Path. Show all posts

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Python 3.13.0 : emoji symbols with PIL.

Today I want to use emoji symbols and I wrote this python script:
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
import os

# Font size and image dimensions
font_size = 88
width = 640
height = 480

# Use Symbola.ttf from current directory
font_path = "Symbola.ttf"

# Create image
img ='RGB', (width, height), color='white')
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

# Get font
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, font_size)

# Emoji matrix
emoji_matrix = [
    ['πŸ˜€', '😁', 'πŸ˜‚', '🀣', 'πŸ˜ƒ'],
    ['πŸ˜„', 'πŸ˜…', 'πŸ˜†', 'πŸ˜‡', '😈'],
    ['πŸ˜‰', '😊', 'πŸ˜‹', '😌', '😍'],
    ['😎', '😏', '😐', 'πŸ˜‘', 'πŸ˜’']

# Calculate spacing
x_spacing = font_size + 10
y_spacing = font_size + 10

# Calculate starting position to center the grid
start_x = (width - (len(emoji_matrix[0]) * x_spacing)) // 2
start_y = (height - (len(emoji_matrix) * y_spacing)) // 2

# Draw emojis
for i, row in enumerate(emoji_matrix):
    for j, emoji in enumerate(row):
        x = start_x + (j * x_spacing)
        y = start_y + (i * y_spacing)
        draw.text((x, y), emoji, font=font, fill='black')

# Save the image'emoji_art.png')
print("Emoji art has been created successfully! Check emoji_art.png")
The result image named emoji_art.png is this:

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Python 3.13.0 : generates multiple deformed polygonal shapes .

Today I created this source code in python that generates eight random convex polygons. The idea was to create sprites for a 2D game: snowballs, boulders, or similar objects... Obviously I also used Sonet 3.5 artificial intelligence. You can find the source code on the pagure account in fedora.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
SVG Polygon Generator

This script generates multiple deformed polygonal shapes and saves them as separate SVG files.
Each polygon maintains convex properties while having controlled random deformations.

    - Generates 8 unique polygonal shapes
    - Controls deformation through radial and angular factors
    - Maintains convex properties
    - Exports each shape to a separate SVG file
    - Uses random colors for visual distinction


    Creates 8 SVG files named 'polygon_1.svg' through 'polygon_8.svg'

from lxml import etree
import random
import math
from pathlib import Path

def create_svg_root():
    """Create and return a base SVG root element with standard attributes."""
    root = etree.Element("svg")
    root.set("width", "500")
    root.set("height", "500")
    root.set("xmlns", "")
    return root

def calculate_points(center_x: float, center_y: float, radius: float, 
                    num_sides: int, deform_factor: float) -> list:
    Calculate polygon points with controlled deformation.

        center_x: X coordinate of polygon center
        center_y: Y coordinate of polygon center
        radius: Base radius of the polygon
        num_sides: Number of polygon sides
        deform_factor: Maximum allowed deformation factor

        List of tuples containing (x, y) coordinates
    points = []
    angle_step = 2 * math.pi / num_sides
    for i in range(num_sides):
        angle = i * angle_step
        radial_deform = random.uniform(-deform_factor, deform_factor)
        angular_deform = random.uniform(-deform_factor/2, deform_factor/2)
        modified_angle = angle + angular_deform
        modified_radius = radius * (1 + radial_deform)
        x = center_x + modified_radius * math.cos(modified_angle)
        y = center_y + modified_radius * math.sin(modified_angle)
        points.append((x, y))
    return points

def generate_deformed_shapes():
    """Generate multiple deformed polygons and save them to separate SVG files."""
    # Base parameters
    num_sides = 8
    center_x = 250
    center_y = 250
    base_radius = 150
    max_deformation = 0.15
    output_dir = Path("generated_polygons")
    # Create output directory if it doesn't exist

    for i in range(8):
        root = create_svg_root()
        points = calculate_points(center_x, center_y, base_radius, 
                                num_sides, max_deformation)
        path = etree.SubElement(root, "path")
        path_data = f"M {points[0][0]} {points[0][1]}"
        path_data += "".join(f" L {p[0]} {p[1]}" for p in points[1:])
        path_data += " Z"
        path.set("d", path_data)
        path.set("fill", "none")
        path.set("stroke", f"#{random.randint(0, 16777215):06X}")
        path.set("stroke-width", "2")
        path.set("opacity", "0.7")

        # Save individual SVG file
        output_file = output_dir / f"polygon_{i+1}.svg"
        tree = etree.ElementTree(root)
        tree.write(str(output_file), pretty_print=True, 
                  xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8')
    print(f"Generated {num_sides} polygons in {output_dir}")

if __name__ == "__main__":