

Showing posts with label shell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shell. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The DreamPie - interactive shell .

The DreamPie was designed to bring you a great interactive shell Python experience.
There are two ways to install the DreamPie:
  • cloning the git repository;
  • downloading a release.
You can read about installation and download here.
To run it just try the dreampie.exe with your python shell, I used with my python 2.7 version:
C:\DreamPie>dreampie.exe --hide-console-window c:\Python27\python.exe
Let's see one screenshot of this running command:

Also, I tested with Python 3.6.2 and works well.
The main window is divided into the history box and the code box.
The history box lets you view previous commands and their output.
The code box for writing your code.
Some keys I used:

  • Ctr+Enter - run the code;
  • Ctr+up / down arrow - adds the previous / next source code;
  • Ctr+Space - show code completions;
  • Ctr+T - open a new tab code;
  • Ctr+W - close the tab code;
  • Ctr+S - save your work history into HTML file.

You can set your font, colors and many features.
I make the installation into C:\DreamPie folder, and comes with all these folders and files:
Folder PATH listing for volume free-tutorials
Volume serial number is 000000FF 0EB1:091D
│   ├───language-specs
│   ├───subp-py2
│   │   └───dreampielib
│   │       ├───common
│   │       └───subprocess
│   └───subp-py3
│       └───dreampielib
│           ├───common
│           └───subprocess
│   ├───cairo
│   ├───gio
│   ├───glib
│   ├───gobject
│   ├───gtk
│   └───runtime
│       ├───bin
│       ├───etc
│       │   ├───bash_completion.d
│       │   ├───fonts
│       │   ├───gtk-2.0
│       │   └───pango
│       ├───lib
│       │   ├───gdk-pixbuf-2.0
│       │   │   └───2.10.0
│       │   │       └───loaders
│       │   ├───glib-2.0
│       │   │   └───include
│       │   └───gtk-2.0
│       │       ├───2.10.0
│       │       │   └───engines
│       │       ├───include
│       │       └───modules
│       └───share
│           ├───aclocal
│           ├───dtds
│           ├───glib-2.0
│           │   ├───gdb
│           │   ├───gettext
│           │   │   └───po
│           │   └───schemas
│           ├───gtk-2.0
│           ├───gtksourceview-2.0
│           │   ├───language-specs
│           │   └───styles
│           ├───icon-naming-utils
│           ├───themes
│           │   ├───Default
│           │   │   └───gtk-2.0-key
│           │   ├───Emacs
│           │   │   └───gtk-2.0-key
│           │   ├───MS-Windows
│           │   │   └───gtk-2.0
│           │   └───Raleigh
│           │       └───gtk-2.0
│           └───xml
│               └───libglade
    │   └───man1