

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Blender 3D and python scripting - part 009.

In this tutorial I will show you a source code in python that allows the selection of vertices by a coordinate, and separates this selection into a new object according to the faces.
The source code is presented below and is commented on accordingly to understand how it works.

# add this source code     
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT') 
# need to use bmesh
import bmesh
# select the plane and get data mesh 
plane_obj =['Plane-Y+Z']
plane_mesh =
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(plane_mesh)

# select vertices by points 
for v in bm.verts:
    v.select_set( < 0.5)
#get mode 
bm.select_mode = {'VERT', 'EDGE', 'FACE'}
# this will update the selection 
# select by FACE   
bpy.context.tool_settings.mesh_select_mode = (False, False, True)
# separate selection by face
# select by EDGE
bpy.context.tool_settings.mesh_select_mode = (True, False, False)

# define the new camera named NewCamera

Python 3.7.13 : My colab tutorials - part 024.

In this colab notebook I test how to install pytorch and torchvision python packages on colab notebook and save the model to Google drive.
I tried to save the model.ptl file but I got a network error and uploaded the file to googe drive and then downloaded it.
You can see the full source code on this GitHub repo.