

Showing posts with label Qt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Qt. Show all posts

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Testing PyQt4 under Python 3.5.1.

Today I working well with python 3.5.1.
Most of my source code was wrote with python 2.7 and the next step was to using pip3.5 to update and upgrade some python modules.
I try to install PyQt4 with pip3.5 - not working.
So I used the old way: whl file from here.
That was good, most of the scripts was running.
The main problem was OpenGL and that will make errors when you try to use QtOpenGL.
The result of this seam to me the python 3.5.1 it's now without OpenGL features.

Monday, December 29, 2014

WinPython - 32 and 64bit portable distribution with Qt.

The new WinPython (version released at 2014-12-22 come with this issue:
WinPython is a free open-source portable distribution of the Python programming language for Windows XP/7/8, designed for scientists, supporting both 32bit and 64bit versions of Python 2 and Python 3.
I use 64bit portable distribution with Python 3.3.5 (v3.3.5:62cf4e77f785, Mar 9 2014, 10:35:05) [MSC v.1600 64 bit (AM
D64)] on win32 and working very well.
From this link you can download it.
WinPython is a free scientific Python distribution for Windows that is portable.It is completely isolated from the rest of the system. Also, WinPython can be installed in a folder (will be put into your download folder)and can be moved anywhere.
You can move on an USB stick and this will make entirely functional.
WinPython is bundled with a lot of existing Python packages.
Also, it includes graphical and command-line utilities to install/uninstall any Python package easily.

This come with spyder 2.3.2 version editor to edit your scripts.

You can use also Qt with Qt designer and you also have a demo application, see: