

Showing posts with label nicegui. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nicegui. Show all posts

Friday, April 12, 2024

Python 3.12.1 : NiceGUI - UI framework over internet.

NiceGUI is an easy-to-use, Python-based UI framework, which shows up in your web browser. You can create buttons, dialogs, Markdown, 3D scenes, plots and much more.
The project can be found on this GitHub repo.
pip install nicegui
Collecting nicegui
  Downloading nicegui-1.4.21-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (9.4 kB)
Successfully installed aiofiles-23.2.1 aiohttp-3.9.4 aiosignal-1.3.1 bidict-0.23.1 docutils-0.19 fastapi-0.109.2 
frozenlist-1.4.1 httptools-0.6.1 ifaddr-0.2.0 markdown2-2.4.13 multidict-6.0.5 nicegui-1.4.21 orjson-3.10.0 
pscript-0.7.7 python-engineio-4.9.0 python-multipart-0.0.9 python-socketio-5.11.2 simple-websocket-1.0.0 
starlette-0.36.3 uvicorn-0.29.0 vbuild-0.8.2 watchfiles-0.21.0 websockets-12.0 yarl-1.9.4
The default demo example from the official webpage works fine.
This is the source code I used.
from nicegui import ui
from import ValueChangeEventArguments

def show(event: ValueChangeEventArguments):
    name = type(event.sender).__name__
    ui.notify(f'{name}: {event.value}')

ui.button('Button', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Click'))
with ui.row():
    ui.checkbox('Checkbox', on_change=show)
    ui.switch('Switch', on_change=show)['A', 'B', 'C'], value='A', on_change=show).props('inline')
with ui.row():
    ui.input('Text input', on_change=show)['One', 'Two'], value='One', on_change=show)'And many more...', '/documentation').classes('mt-8')
I run with the python and you can see is visible in many places:
NiceGUI ready to go on http://localhost:8080, http://x.x.x.x:8080, and http://x.x.x.x:8080
The result is this:
You can find a lot of examples on the official GitHub repo.