Yattag is a Python library for generating HTML or XML in a pythonic way.
You can find more information on the official webpage.
Installation can be done easily with the pip utility:
pip install yattag --user
I test a simple example code from the official documentation and works well:
from yattag import Doc
doc, tag, text = Doc(
defaults = {
'title': 'Untitled',
'contact_message': 'You just won the lottery!'
errors = {
'contact_message': 'Your message looks like spam.'
with tag('h1'):
text('Contact form')
with tag('form', action = ""):
doc.input(name = 'title', type = 'text')
with doc.textarea(name = 'contact_message'):
doc.stag('input', type = 'submit', value = 'Send my message')