

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Python 3.8.12 : Django with replit online tool - part 001.

Now with the replit online tool it is easy to test projects in Django. You must set a variable SECRET_KEY in and press the Run button. This will open the web page with your project.
In the command line area you can use python to generate this variable, see the source code:
~/Django001$ python
Python 3.8.12 (default, Aug 30 2021, 16:42:10) 
[GCC 10.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import secrets
>>> secrets.token_urlsafe(32)
This is result of these first steps:
Use this command to create a website named catafest001:
~/Django001$ python startapp catafest001
Add this website to from django_project:
Use this command to create an user with a password:
~/Django001$ python createsuperuser
Username (leave blank to use 'runner'): 
Email address:
Password (again): 
The password is too similar to the username.
Bypass password validation and create user anyway? [y/N]: y
Superuser created successfully.
You can see I let the username runner and the password I set to adminadmin.
Into web area I set the URL to /admin and I use the username and the password to login into admin area.
NOTE: Although I did the correct steps for a simple project in django with admin page, it won't let me login as admin ... maybe the replit online tool needs some other changes or the cause is different ...