This simple console menu can help to create menus, you can find the project on GitHub project.
pip install console-menu --user
For testing, I used the default example, and works well.
# Import the necessary packages
from consolemenu import *
from consolemenu.items import *
# Create the menu
menu = ConsoleMenu("Title", "Subtitle")
# Create some items
# MenuItem is the base class for all items, it doesn't do anything when selected
menu_item = MenuItem("Menu Item")
# A FunctionItem runs a Python function when selected
function_item = FunctionItem("Call a Python function", input, ["Enter an input"])
# A CommandItem runs a console command
command_item = CommandItem("Run a console command", "touch hello.txt")
# A SelectionMenu constructs a menu from a list of strings
selection_menu = SelectionMenu(["item1", "item2", "item3"])
# A SubmenuItem lets you add a menu (the selection_menu above, for example)
# as a submenu of another menu
submenu_item = SubmenuItem("Submenu item", selection_menu, menu)
# Once we're done creating them, we just add the items to the menu
# Finally, we call show to show the menu and allow the user to interact