First, I install and check the version of this package.
[mythcat@desk my_network_tools]$ pip3 install paramiko --user
Collecting paramiko
Running install for pycparser ... done
Successfully installed asn1crypto-0.24.0 bcrypt-3.1.7 cffi-1.12.3 cryptography-2.7 paramiko-2.6.0
pycparser-2.19 pynacl-1.3.0
[mythcat@desk my_network_tools]$ python3
Python 3.7.4 (default, Jul 9 2019, 16:32:37)
[GCC 9.1.1 20190503 (Red Hat 9.1.1-1)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import paramiko
>>> dir(paramiko)
'AuthenticationException', 'AutoAddPolicy', 'BadAuthenticationType', 'BadHostKeyException', 'BaseSFTP',
'BufferedFile', 'Channel', 'ChannelException', 'ChannelFile', 'ChannelStderrFile', 'ChannelStdinFile',
'DSSKey', 'ECDSAKey', 'Ed25519Key', 'GSSAuth', 'GSS_AUTH_AVAILABLE', 'GSS_EXCEPTIONS', 'HostKeys',
'InteractiveQuery', 'Message', 'MissingHostKeyPolicy', 'OPEN_FAILED_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED',
'OPEN_SUCCEEDED', 'PKey', 'Packetizer', 'PasswordRequiredException', 'ProxyCommand', 'ProxyCommandFailure',
'PublicBlob', 'RSAKey', 'RejectPolicy', 'SFTP', 'SFTPAttributes', 'SFTPClient', 'SFTPError', 'SFTPFile',
'SFTP_PERMISSION_DENIED', 'SSHClient', 'SSHConfig', 'SSHException', 'SecurityOptions', 'ServerInterface',
'SubsystemHandler', 'Transport', 'WarningPolicy', '__all__', '__author__', '__builtins__', '__cached__',
'__doc__', '__file__', '__license__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', '__spec__',
'__version__', '__version_info__', '_version', 'agent', 'auth_handler', 'ber', 'buffered_pipe', 'channel',
'client', 'common', 'compress', 'config', 'dsskey', 'ecdsakey', 'ed25519key', 'file', 'hostkeys',
'io_sleep', 'kex_curve25519', 'kex_ecdh_nist', 'kex_gex', 'kex_group1', 'kex_group14', 'kex_group16',
'kex_gss', 'message', 'packet', 'pipe', 'pkey', 'primes', 'proxy', 'py3compat', 'rsakey', 'server',
'sftp', 'sftp_attr', 'sftp_client', 'sftp_file', 'sftp_handle', 'sftp_server', 'sftp_si', 'ssh_exception',
'ssh_gss', 'sys', 'transport', 'util']
>>> paramiko.__version__
The documentation for this version can be found at this webpage.A simple example with this python package and ssh connection to on port 22 can be see on the next source code
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Return the ssh output with password connection and Linux commands"""
import paramiko
client = paramiko.SSHClient()
conn= client.connect('', port='22', username='mythcat', password='the_pass')
# Obtain session
session = client.get_transport().open_session()
print("| Retcode: "+str(session)+"|")
stdin, stdout, stderr=client.exec_command('sudo hostname;w')
save_stdout = stdout.readlines()
retcode =
stdin, stdout, stderr=client.exec_command('ss -nap;')
save_stdout2 = stdout.readlines()
#for line in stdout:
# print (line)