

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Free ebook from O'Reilly - Functional Programming in Python.

You can download your free ebook from O'Reilly.
The Functional Programming in Python by David Mertz - publisher: O'Reilly - released: June 2015.
David Mertz is a director of the Python Software Foundation, and chair of its Trademarks and Outreach & Education Committees. He wrote the columns Charming Python and XML Matters for IBM developerWorks and the Addison-Wesley book Text Processing in Python. David has spoken at multiple OSCON and PyCon events.
This is the download link.


Thursday, February 4, 2016

Testing PyQt4 under Python 3.5.1.

Today I working well with python 3.5.1.
Most of my source code was wrote with python 2.7 and the next step was to using pip3.5 to update and upgrade some python modules.
I try to install PyQt4 with pip3.5 - not working.
So I used the old way: whl file from here.
That was good, most of the scripts was running.
The main problem was OpenGL and that will make errors when you try to use QtOpenGL.
The result of this seam to me the python 3.5.1 it's now without OpenGL features.

The most short source code into Python 3.5.1 .

Just type this :

import antigravity

That will open your browser with one comics from xkcd website.
The antigravity module was added to Python 3.5.1. I'm not sure but seam working also with python 2.7 version.