

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

MD5 - password generator

Why do we need this script?
Internet is full of generating MD5.
The Internet has and dictionaries for decrypting md5.
So safe is our script.
You must use the code line:
p = ()

otherwise if you use:
pass = ()

you get the following error:
>>> pass =
File "", line 1
pass =
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

pass is a python keyword.
You'll need a different name for the variable.
And now to see the code:
import md5 
p =

This is all you need.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pyglet - simple example

First i wanted to make a simple example. Then I saw George Oliver googlegrups question. This made me change my little script.Official Site address is:
Documentation of this module is to:
There is also a Google group for this mode where you can ask questions.
My example does nothing more than:
- Create a fereasta;
- To put a background color;
- Displaying an image.
Image i use it, name it "20000.jpg" is this:

Put in folder with your script.
In the future I will come with more complex examples.
Change the following sequence of lines of code example:
  win.clear ()
img1.blit (5, 5)

You will see that the order matters for pyglet.
Who studied OpenGL knows why.

import pyglet
from import *
#set colors with red,green,blue,alpha values
colors = {
'playfield' : (255, 255, 255, 255),
'red' : (255, 0, 0, 255,0),
'sub_red' : (255, 50, 20, 255),
'green' : (0, 255, 0, 255),
'sub_green' : (20, 255, 50, 255),
'blue' : (0, 0, 255, 255),
'sub_blue' : (20, 50, 255, 255)}
#give img1 the place of image
img1= pyglet.image.load('20000.jpg')
#w , h the size of image
w = img1.width+15
h = img1.height+10
# create the 640x480 window size
win = pyglet.window.Window(640, 480, resizable=True, visible=True)
#or use next line to see with size of image
#win=pyglet.window.Window(width=w, height=h)

# set caption of window
#use * to unpack tuple and set background color*colors['red'])


def on_draw():
img1.blit(5, 5)
# to run application

If you use the code line:
win = pyglet.window.Window(640, 480, resizable=True, visible=True)

you see:

If you use the code line:
win=pyglet.window.Window(width=w, height=h)

you see:

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Random words from lists and text

Sometimes it is necessary to choose random words from lists or texts.
Example below illustrates this:

import random
list_input = """ Apple
text_input = "This is a text without newline char".split()
print "List is =", list_input
print "---------------------------------------"
list_result = random.choice(list_input)
print "Random list result is =", list_result
print "---------------------------------------"
print "Text is =", text_input
print "---------------------------------------"
text_result = random.choice(text_input)
print "Random word result is =", text_result

We have two variables "list_input" and "text_input" containing a list of words separated by newline char and a simple string ending in newline char.
Its separation is made with function ".strip ()" .
This function separates the items in the list after this particular bracket expression. The result of the expression in brackets vanishes from the list.
The result of scripts is :

List is = ['Apple', ' Crabapple', ' Hawthorn', ' Pear', ' Apricot']
Random list result is = Pear
Text is = ['This', 'is', 'a', 'text', 'without', 'newline', 'char']
Random word result is = is

Friday, September 11, 2009

How to use "try" ... "except"

Any program will be given over to error checking.
Python provides an exception handling capability.
There are two parts : "error checking" "catching exceptions".
Now let's try a simple example:

>>> try :
... input_str = int(input ("string "))
... except StandardError :
... print " This is not a number"
string 12
>>> try :
... input_str = int(input ("string "))
... except StandardError :
... print " This is not a number"
string aaa
This is not a number

The code :
input_str = int(input ("string "))

The code readed input will be convert in integer .
If types a value that's not an integer, the exception is caught.
In this case will print " This is not a number ".
This is very important because it generates more errors while running a program.
So, simply try to perform you action, and define what's to be done.
On except block if the action you want can't be completed.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Permutation of chars with python

It is a simple example of using python language to permutation of chars.
It uses a list generator and "yield":

#!/usr/bin/env python
def permut(lst):
remove = lambda lst0, index: lst0[:index] + lst0[index+1:]
if lst:
for index, x in enumerate(lst):
for y in permut(remove(lst, index)):
yield (x,)+y
print y

else: yield ()
for p in permut(['c','a','t','a','l','i','n']):
print p

Example can be modified so output will be a file.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Google and Python Stuff

I want share this scripts.
Is just two scripts and i think is beautifull.
First is a youtube script :

client_yt =
query =
query.vs = "%s" % ('News')
feed = client_yt.YouTubeQuery(query)

for entry in feed.entry:
print entry.title.text
for link in
if link.rel == 'alternate':
print link.href

Second is a picassa script :
import urllib
p_client =

query_parameters = map(urllib.quote, ['Sexy','Bucharest']);
feed = p_client.GetFeed("/data/feed/api/all?q=%s%s&max-results=10" % ('Sexy','Girl'))

for entry in feed.entry:
print entry.title.text
for link in
if link.rel == 'alternate':
print link.href

I hope you like this little scripts.