

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pyglet - simple example

First i wanted to make a simple example. Then I saw George Oliver googlegrups question. This made me change my little script.Official Site address is:
Documentation of this module is to:
There is also a Google group for this mode where you can ask questions.
My example does nothing more than:
- Create a fereasta;
- To put a background color;
- Displaying an image.
Image i use it, name it "20000.jpg" is this:

Put in folder with your script.
In the future I will come with more complex examples.
Change the following sequence of lines of code example:
  win.clear ()
img1.blit (5, 5)

You will see that the order matters for pyglet.
Who studied OpenGL knows why.

import pyglet
from import *
#set colors with red,green,blue,alpha values
colors = {
'playfield' : (255, 255, 255, 255),
'red' : (255, 0, 0, 255,0),
'sub_red' : (255, 50, 20, 255),
'green' : (0, 255, 0, 255),
'sub_green' : (20, 255, 50, 255),
'blue' : (0, 0, 255, 255),
'sub_blue' : (20, 50, 255, 255)}
#give img1 the place of image
img1= pyglet.image.load('20000.jpg')
#w , h the size of image
w = img1.width+15
h = img1.height+10
# create the 640x480 window size
win = pyglet.window.Window(640, 480, resizable=True, visible=True)
#or use next line to see with size of image
#win=pyglet.window.Window(width=w, height=h)

# set caption of window
#use * to unpack tuple and set background color*colors['red'])


def on_draw():
img1.blit(5, 5)
# to run application

If you use the code line:
win = pyglet.window.Window(640, 480, resizable=True, visible=True)

you see:

If you use the code line:
win=pyglet.window.Window(width=w, height=h)

you see:

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Random words from lists and text

Sometimes it is necessary to choose random words from lists or texts.
Example below illustrates this:

import random
list_input = """ Apple
text_input = "This is a text without newline char".split()
print "List is =", list_input
print "---------------------------------------"
list_result = random.choice(list_input)
print "Random list result is =", list_result
print "---------------------------------------"
print "Text is =", text_input
print "---------------------------------------"
text_result = random.choice(text_input)
print "Random word result is =", text_result

We have two variables "list_input" and "text_input" containing a list of words separated by newline char and a simple string ending in newline char.
Its separation is made with function ".strip ()" .
This function separates the items in the list after this particular bracket expression. The result of the expression in brackets vanishes from the list.
The result of scripts is :

List is = ['Apple', ' Crabapple', ' Hawthorn', ' Pear', ' Apricot']
Random list result is = Pear
Text is = ['This', 'is', 'a', 'text', 'without', 'newline', 'char']
Random word result is = is

Friday, September 11, 2009

How to use "try" ... "except"

Any program will be given over to error checking.
Python provides an exception handling capability.
There are two parts : "error checking" "catching exceptions".
Now let's try a simple example:

>>> try :
... input_str = int(input ("string "))
... except StandardError :
... print " This is not a number"
string 12
>>> try :
... input_str = int(input ("string "))
... except StandardError :
... print " This is not a number"
string aaa
This is not a number

The code :
input_str = int(input ("string "))

The code readed input will be convert in integer .
If types a value that's not an integer, the exception is caught.
In this case will print " This is not a number ".
This is very important because it generates more errors while running a program.
So, simply try to perform you action, and define what's to be done.
On except block if the action you want can't be completed.