You can customize Vim for editing a specific file.
In this case is our python script files.
To do that you can use modelines, or auto commands, or filetype plugins.
For example , if you want to see the number on rows then just set the boolean number option to true.
set number
The keys PageUp and PageDown are mapped to Ctr+U and Ctr+D.
The next changes of the vimrc file will move cursor only by half of screen.
To move the cursor to the end of the screen they have to be triggered twice:
Then you can add next line to prevent the cursor from changing the current column when jumping to other lines within the window.
set nostartofline
To add some lines on your python file.
For example many python files start with this:
#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Just add the next line in your vimrc file.
:iabbrev newpy #!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
On your first line from your python file in the insert mode , write newpy and press Enter key.
Also will be a good idea to take a look at the official .vimrc for following PEP 7 & 8 conventions.
...and the result of this changes.