

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How to display the "%" in python ?

I saw something interesting on the internet.
How to display the "%" in python.
I found so far two methods:

>>> print "See %d%%" % (0.77 * 100)
See 77%
>>> print "See {0:.0%}".format(0.77)
See 77%

Friday, February 12, 2010

Where is Santa Claus?

I wrote a python module. I called it "geo" because it is a geographic module.
The funny stuff is when i use it with "Santa Claus".

>>> import geo
>>> geo.adress("Santa Claus")
{'status': '200', 'latitude': '32.1715776', 'longitude': '-82.3315138', 'accuracy': '4'}

So where is Santa Claus ?!
Google Maps API should be prepared to respond.
Tomorrow a child will know how to use the Python language.
Who knows ...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Parsing feeds - part 1

From time to time I used conky. Is good for me, because i have all i need on my desktop.
How helped me python in this case?
For example i use one script to parse a feed from this url:
The example is simple to understand :
from xml.dom import minidom as dom
import urllib
def fetchPage(url):
a = urllib.urlopen(url)
return ''.join(a.readlines())

def extract(webpage):
a = dom.parseString(webpage)
item2 = a.getElementsByTagName('SendingDate')[0].firstChild.wholeText
print "DATA ",item2
item = a.getElementsByTagName('Cube')
for i in item:
if i.hasChildNodes() == True:
eur = i.getElementsByTagName('Rate')[10].firstChild.wholeText
dol = i.getElementsByTagName('Rate')[26].firstChild.wholeText
print "EURO  ",eur
print "DOLAR ",dol

if __name__=='__main__':
webpage = fetchPage("")
The result is:
DATA  2010-02-04
EURO   4.1214
DOLAR  2.9749
With "urllib" package I read the url.
The result is parsing with functions from "dom" package.
I used this functions "parseString" and "getElementsByTagName".
More about this functions you will see on:
This is all.