

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Python 3.13.0rc1 : ... pkg_resources is deprecated as an API .

I tried an old version of python script for upgrade all my ython packages on windows 10 with pkg_resources python package.
I got this error:
DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API. See
... and this python script will upgrade all python packages
import subprocess

    # Obține lista pachetelor învechite
    outdated_packages = subprocess.check_output(["pip", "list", "--outdated", "--format=columns"]).decode("utf-8")
    packages = [line.split()[0] for line in outdated_packages.splitlines()[2:]]
    if not packages:
        print("Toate pachetele sunt deja actualizate.")
        print("Pachete Python învechite: ", packages)
        # Actualizează fiecare pachet
        for package in packages:
            print("Actualizează pachetul: ", package)
            subprocess.check_call(["pip", "install", "--upgrade", package])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
    print("A apărut o eroare la rularea comenzii pip:", e)
except Exception as e:
    print("A apărut o eroare neașteptată:", e)

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Python 3.12.3 : 8in8 game project with pygame and agentpy - 001.

I started a game project with the python packages pygame and agentpy in the Fedora Linux distribution.
You can find it on my fedora pagure repo

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Python 3.12.3 : PyGame, DuckDB and AgentPy on Fedora 42 linux distro.

Today I tested the installation of some python packages in the Fedora 42 Linux distribution. On the Windows 10 operating system I failed to install pygame because it was trying to build.

[mythcat@fedora ~]$ pip install duckdb --upgrade
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Collecting duckdb
Installing collected packages: duckdb
Successfully installed duckdb-1.1.0
[mythcat@fedora ~]$ pip install pygame
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Requirement already satisfied: pygame in ./.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages (2.5.2)
[mythcat@fedora ~]$ pip install agentpy
Installing collected packages: scipy, networkx, kiwisolver, joblib, fonttools, dill, cycler, contourpy, pandas, multiprocess, matplotlib, SALib, agentpy
Successfully installed SALib-1.5.1 agentpy-0.1.5 contourpy-1.3.0 cycler-0.12.1 dill-0.3.8 fonttools-4.53.1 joblib-1.4.2 kiwisolver-1.4.7 matplotlib-3.9.2 multiprocess-0.70.16 networkx-3.3 pandas-2.2.2 scipy-1.14.1

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Python 3.13.0rc1 : AgentPy python module ...

AgentPy is an open-source library for the development and analysis of agent-based models in Python.
The project can be found on the GitHub repo.
This can be install with the pip tool:
pip install agentpy
Collecting agentpy
Successfully installed SALib-1.5.1 agentpy-0.1.5 contourpy-1.3.0 cycler-0.12.1 dill-0.3.8 fonttools-4.53.1 
joblib-1.4.2 kiwisolver-1.4.7 matplotlib-3.9.2 multiprocess-0.70.16 networkx-3.3 packaging-24.1 
pillow-10.4.0 pyparsing-3.1.4 scipy-1.14.1
This is the source code:
import agentpy as ap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# define Agent class
class RandomWalker(ap.Agent):
    def setup(self):
        self.position = [0, 0]

    def step(self):
        self.position += self.model.random.choice([[1, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 1], [0, -1]])

# define Model class
class RandomWalkModel(ap.Model):
    def setup(self):
        self.agents = ap.AgentList(self, self.p.agents, RandomWalker)

    def step(self):

    def update(self):
        self.record('Positions', [agent.position for agent in self.agents])

    def end(self):
        positions = self.log['Positions']
        for pos in positions:

# configuration and running 
parameters = {'agents': 5, 'steps': 20}
model = RandomWalkModel(parameters)
results =
The result is a simple graph with these output:
Matplotlib is building the font cache; this may take a moment.
Completed: 20 steps
Run time: 0:00:50.823483
Simulation finished

Monday, September 9, 2024

Python Qt6 : Use regular expression with PyQt6.

Today I tested a python source code with PyQt6.
This source code let you to clean the text by HTML tags and regular expression in realtime.
If you want to parse in realtime then check the Realtime and add the regular expresion in editbox.
This is the result:
This is the source code I used to parse realtime regular expresion on editbox
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QTextEdit, QVBoxLayout, QHBoxLayout, QWidget, QPushButton, QCheckBox, QLineEdit, QLabel
from PyQt6.QtGui import QTextDocument
from PyQt6.QtCore import Qt
import re

class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self):

        self.setWindowTitle("HTML Cleaner")

        self.text_edit = QTextEdit()
        self.clean_button = QPushButton("Clean HTML")
        self.transform_div_checkbox = QCheckBox("Transform 
tags") self.realtime_checkbox = QCheckBox("Realtime") self.regex_edit = QLineEdit() self.regex_edit.setPlaceholderText("Enter regex pattern") self.regex_edit.setEnabled(False) # Dezactivăm inițial top_layout = QHBoxLayout() top_layout.addWidget(self.clean_button) top_layout.addWidget(self.transform_div_checkbox) top_layout.addWidget(QLabel("Regex:")) top_layout.addWidget(self.regex_edit) top_layout.addWidget(self.realtime_checkbox) main_layout = QVBoxLayout() main_layout.addLayout(top_layout) main_layout.addWidget(self.text_edit) container = QWidget() container.setLayout(main_layout) self.setCentralWidget(container) self.clean_button.clicked.connect(self.clean_html) self.realtime_checkbox.stateChanged.connect(self.toggle_realtime) self.regex_edit.textChanged.connect(self.realtime_update) def clean_html(self): html_text = self.text_edit.toPlainText() clean_text = self.remove_html_tags(html_text) self.text_edit.setPlainText(clean_text) def remove_html_tags(self, text): # Remove CSS text = re.sub(r'.*?', '', text, flags=re.DOTALL) # Remove JavaScript text = re.sub(r'.*?', '', text, flags=re.DOTALL) # Remove HTML comments text = re.sub(r'', '', text, flags=re.DOTALL) # Transform
tags if checkbox is checked if self.transform_div_checkbox.isChecked(): text = re.sub(r']*>', '
', text) # Remove HTML tags but keep content clean = re.compile('<.*?>') text = re.sub(clean, '', text) # Remove empty lines text = re.sub(r'\n\s*\n', '\n', text) return text def toggle_realtime(self): if self.realtime_checkbox.isChecked(): self.regex_edit.setEnabled(True) # Activăm editbox-ul self.text_edit.textChanged.connect(self.realtime_update) else: self.regex_edit.setEnabled(False) # Dezactivăm editbox-ul self.text_edit.textChanged.disconnect(self.realtime_update) def realtime_update(self): if self.realtime_checkbox.isChecked(): html_text = self.text_edit.toPlainText() regex_pattern = self.regex_edit.text() if regex_pattern: try: html_text = re.sub(regex_pattern, '', html_text) except re.error: pass # Ignore regex errors self.text_edit.blockSignals(True) self.text_edit.setPlainText(html_text) self.text_edit.blockSignals(False) app = QApplication([]) window = MainWindow() app.exec()

Saturday, September 7, 2024

News : Python and the Intel's NPU Acceleration Library.

You can find the Intel's NPU Acceleration Library on this GitHub repo with Python code samples.

News : Python in Visual Studio Code – September 2024 Release

We’re excited to announce the September 2024 release of the Python and Jupyter extensions for Visual Studio Code!
This release includes the following announcements:
Django unit test support
Go to definition from inlay hints with Pylance
If you’re interested, you can check the full list of improvements in our changelogs for the Python, Jupyter and Pylance extensions.
Read more on the offcial website.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Python 3.12.4 : DuckDB operate in in-memory mode.

DuckDB aims to automatically achieve high performance by using well-chosen default configurations and having a forgiving architecture. Of course, there are still opportunities for tuning the system for specific workloads. The Performance Guide's page contain guidelines and tips for achieving good performance when loading and processing data with DuckDB.
DuckDB can operate in in-memory mode. In most clients, this can be activated by passing the special value :memory: as the database file or omitting the database file argument.
You can use with python or another programming language.
I used Python 3.13.0rc1 version and pip tool ...
pip install duckdb --upgrade
Collecting duckdb
Installing collected packages: duckdb
Successfully installed duckdb-1.0.0
I created a python script :
[('table', 'users', 'users', 0, 'CREATE TABLE users(id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY, first_name VARCHAR, last_name VARCHAR, occupation VARCHAR, hobby VARCHAR, year_of_birth BIGINT, age BIGINT);')]
This is the source code I used:
import duckdb

# Conectare la baza de date în memorie
con = duckdb.connect(database=':memory:')

# Instalează extensia sqlite
con.execute("INSTALL sqlite")

# Încarcă extensia sqlite
con.execute("LOAD sqlite")

# Verifică dacă extensia este încărcată
result = con.execute("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master").fetchall()

# Conectare la baza de date pe disc
con_disk = duckdb.connect(database='sqlite_database.db', read_only=False)

# Instalează extensia sqlite pentru baza de date pe disc
con_disk.execute("INSTALL sqlite")

# Încarcă extensia sqlite pentru baza de date pe disc
con_disk.execute("LOAD sqlite")

# Verifică dacă extensia este încărcată pentru baza de date pe disc
result_disk = con_disk.execute("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master").fetchall()

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Python 3.13.0rc1 : Use faker with build pandas and PyQt6.

In this tutorial I will show you how I build pandas and use faker and PyQt6.
The faker python module is a powerful library designed to generate fake data, which is particularly useful for testing, filling databases, and creating realistic-looking sample data.
I used python version 3.13.0rc1 and I install with pip tool faker and the pandas and PyQt6 is build with pip tool.
pip install faker
Collecting faker
Installing collected packages: six, python-dateutil, faker
Successfully installed faker-28.1.0 python-dateutil-2.9.0.post0 six-1.16.0
The pandas installation fail first time then today works, maybe comes with fixes ...
pip install pandas
Successfully built pandas
Installing collected packages: pytz, tzdata, pandas
Successfully installed pandas-2.2.2 pytz-2024.1 tzdata-2024.1
Let's try one example to see how this works, I used copilot from microsoft to generate this first source code:
import sys
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QTableView
from PyQt6.QtCore import Qt, QAbstractTableModel
import pandas as pd
from faker import Faker

# Generăm date false folosind Faker
fake = Faker()
data = {
    'Name': [ for _ in range(100)],
    'Address': [fake.address() for _ in range(100)],
    'Email': [ for _ in range(100)],
    'IP Address': [fake.ipv4() for _ in range(100)]  # Adăugăm adresa IP

# Creăm un DataFrame Pandas
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Definim un model pentru QTableView
class PandasModel(QAbstractTableModel):
    def __init__(self, df):
        self._df = df

    def rowCount(self, parent=None):
        return len(self._df)

    def columnCount(self, parent=None):
        return self._df.shape[1]

    def data(self, index, role=Qt.ItemDataRole.DisplayRole):
        if index.isValid():
            if role == Qt.ItemDataRole.DisplayRole:
                return str(self._df.iloc[index.row(), index.column()])
        return None

    def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=Qt.ItemDataRole.DisplayRole):
        if role == Qt.ItemDataRole.DisplayRole:
            if orientation == Qt.Orientation.Horizontal:
                return self._df.columns[section]
                return str(section)
        return None

# Aplicatia PyQt6
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
window = QMainWindow()
view = QTableView()

# Setăm modelul pentru QTableView
model = PandasModel(df)

# Configurăm fereastra principală
window.resize(800, 600)

# Rulăm aplicația

Monday, September 2, 2024

Python Qt6 : Two sliders

I used the Python 3.13.0rc1 version and PyQt6 6.7.1 version.
This is the source code:
import sys
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QSlider
from PyQt6.QtCore import Qt

class SliderWindow(QWidget):
    def __init__(self):

        self.setWindowTitle("Two Slideres")
        self.setGeometry(100, 100, 640, 200)

        layout = QVBoxLayout()

        self.slider_max = QSlider(Qt.Orientation.Horizontal)

        self.slider_min = QSlider(Qt.Orientation.Horizontal)



    def update_min_slider(self, value):
        self.slider_min.setValue(100 - value)

    def update_max_slider(self, value):
        self.slider_max.setValue(100 - value)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    window = SliderWindow()

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Python 3.13.0rc1 : Test MSBuild with PyQt6.

The goal of this tutorial is to test the build process of the Python package.
Installing the PyQt6 python module may come with the build error.
In this case, MS Build is installed from the official website, and then other necessary Python modules can be installed depending on the files needed to build the PyQt6 package.
pip install --upgrade setuptools
pip install msvc-runtime
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement msvc-runtime (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for msvc-runtime
pip install pyqt6
Collecting pyqt6
  Using cached PyQt6-6.7.1-cp38-abi3-win_amd64.whl.metadata (2.1 kB)
Successfully built PyQt6-sip
Installing collected packages: PyQt6-Qt6, PyQt6-sip, pyqt6
Successfully installed PyQt6-Qt6-6.7.2 PyQt6-sip-13.8.0 pyqt6-6.7.1
This process uses a lot of files and MSBuild needs some Gb free on the hard disk.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Python 3.13.0rc1 : Using pydoc python module.

This is default python module.
You can find pydoc - documentation.
Simple use of this python module for example: sys python module to see the documentation.
PythonProjects\test_pydoc>python -m pydoc sys
Using the w argument willcreate a HTML file with the documentation.
In this example will be sys.html, because is sys python module.
PythonProjects\test_pydoc>python -m pydoc -w sys
wrote sys.html
Best feature is search by word and show the result as python modules, in this case will show a list ...
PythonProjects\test_pydoc>python -m pydoc -k url
nturl2path - Convert a NT pathname to a file URL and vice versa.
test_sqlite3: testing with SQLite version 3.45.3
test.test_urllib - Regression tests for what was in Python 2's "urllib" module
Share the documentation with an server, in this case is set to localhost:
\PythonProjects\test_pydoc>python -m pydoc -p 1234
Server ready at http://localhost:1234/
Server commands: [b]rowser, [q]uit
You can create your python module script named formated and then use pydoc.
my python module
This is documentation
def test():
Function test
Use this to show the text from your python source script module:
python -m pydoc test
PythonProjects\test_pydoc>python -m pydoc test
Help on module test:



Thursday, August 29, 2024

News : ... august 2024

... news for Python users and developers.
Python 3.12.5 released, see the official webpage.
... new Python 3.13.0 release candidate 1 released, you can read on this webpage.
the last one: Announcing Python Software Foundation Fellow Members for Q1 2024! from this webpage.
About the releases, I can say that all kinds of improvements are coming, I liked that they made the shell more interactive.