You also need some administrator privileges for C Runtime ...

Some notes about this installation process:
- If you have previously installed Python 3.5.0a1, you may need to manually uninstall it.
- If installing Python 3.5.0a4 as a non-privileged user, you may need to escalate to administrator privileges to install an update to your C runtime libraries.
- Python 3.5 now has an embeddable installer designed to be run as part of a larger application's installer for apps using or extending Python.There is now a third type of Windows installer for Python 3.5.
The Python35 have python.exe, see:
Python 3.5.0a4 (v3.5.0a4:413e0e0004f4, Apr 19 2015, 18:01:47) [MSC v.1900 64 bit
(AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Let's see all defaul Python35 modules:__future__ abc hmac select
_ast aifc html selectors
_bisect antigravity http setuptools
_bootlocale argparse idlelib shelve
_bz2 array imaplib shlex
_codecs ast imghdr shutil
_codecs_cn asynchat imp signal
_codecs_hk asyncio importlib site
_codecs_iso2022 asyncore inspect smtpd
_codecs_jp atexit io smtplib
_codecs_kr audioop ipaddress sndhdr
_codecs_tw base64 itertools socket
_collections bdb json socketserver
_collections_abc binascii keyword sqlite3
_compat_pickle binhex lib2to3 sre_compile
_compression bisect linecache sre_constant
_csv builtins locale sre_parse
_ctypes bz2 logging ssl
_ctypes_test cProfile lzma stat
_datetime calendar macpath statistics
_decimal cgi macurl2path string
_dummy_thread cgitb mailbox stringprep
_elementtree chunk mailcap struct
_functools cmath marshal subprocess
_hashlib cmd math sunau
_heapq code mimetypes symbol
_imp codecs mmap symtable
_io codeop modulefinder sys
_json collections msilib sysconfig
_locale colorsys msvcrt tabnanny
_lsprof compileall multiprocessing tarfile
_lzma concurrent netrc telnetlib
_markerlib configparser nntplib tempfile
_markupbase contextlib nt test
_md5 copy ntpath textwrap
_msi copyreg nturl2path this
_multibytecodec crypt numbers threading
_multiprocessing csv opcode time
_opcode ctypes operator timeit
_operator curses optparse tkinter
_osx_support datetime os token
_overlapped dbm parser tokenize
_pickle decimal pathlib trace
_pydecimal difflib pdb traceback
_pyio dis pickle tracemalloc
_random distutils pickletools tty
_sha1 doctest pip turtle
_sha256 dummy_threading pipes turtledemo
_sha512 easy_install pkg_resources types
_signal email pkgutil unicodedata
_sitebuiltins encodings platform unittest
_socket ensurepip plistlib urllib
_sqlite3 enum poplib uu
_sre errno posixpath uuid
_ssl faulthandler pprint venv
_stat filecmp profile warnings
_string fileinput pstats wave
_strptime fnmatch pty weakref
_struct formatter py_compile webbrowser
_symtable fractions pyclbr winreg
_testbuffer ftplib pydoc winsound
_testcapi functools pydoc_data wsgiref
_testimportmultiple gc pyexpat xdrlib
_thread genericpath queue xml
_threading_local getopt quopri xmlrpc
_tkinter getpass random xxsubtype
_tracemalloc gettext re zipapp
_warnings glob reprlib zipfile
_weakref gzip rlcompleter zipimport
_weakrefset hashlib runpy zlib
_winapi heapq sched
Also the this version come with pip3.5 under Script folder to use pip solution.You can run some demos with this \Python35>python.exe Tools\demo\.
The all download files come with this options:
Gzipped source tarball Source release 34667f07604352a4a1ef4651dcb7f870 19874914 SIG
XZ compressed source tarball Source release dd8d2dcb8c8b301d57228be896317612 14704088 SIG
Mac OS X 32-bit i386/PPC installer Mac OS X for Mac OS X 10.5 and later c648d4f3f02ce06d839e2b754e8382bc 25250926 SIG
Mac OS X 64-bit/32-bit installer Mac OS X for Mac OS X 10.6 and later d7321ddabc46927fd619a694c0d87086 23587943 SIG
Windows amd64 embeddable installer Windows b2c3001cd03d478293680f88beaf5218 6660944 SIG
Windows amd64 web-based installer Windows b2c3001cd03d478293680f88beaf5218 912024 SIG
Windows amd executable installer Windows 5ca6f1dcc56c66065d874420ae95ea23 29316824 SIG
Windows help file Windows d5434e2cf712ebdf11ede3b6cdb43a64 7581518 SIG
Windows x86 embeddable installer Windows 32f1d62bc4cad46e5bf3444d648e53f0 6068184 SIG
Windows x86 executable installer Windows a220359f4f6cefcc316504cccd3dc0fb 28459976 SIG
Windows x86 web-based installer Windows dd6712fe691f4212fb9e516541103721 886400 SIG
See more about this new release here.
You can see also the new beta python module with all issues.