To install this python module use Python 3.4 version.
Then you need to install svgwrite with pip3.4:
C:\Python34\Scripts>pip3.4.exe install svgwrite
Collecting svgwrite
Downloading svgwrite-1.1.6.tar.gz (109kB)
100% |################################| 110kB 354kB/s
Also this svgwrite is the only module that needs to be imported and then you can deal with this module.See this simple example:
import svgwrite
from svgwrite import *
#this will work with svgwrite
svg_doc = svgwrite.Drawing(filename = "test-svgwrite.svg",\
size = ("30px", "30px"))\
svg_doc.add(svg_doc.rect(insert = (0, 0),\
size = ("20px", "20px"),\
stroke_width = "1",\
stroke = "green",\
fill = "rgb(255,255,0)"))\
The result of this python script is this SVG file.
If you use the dir() then you can see more about this python module:
>>> dir(svgwrite)
['AUTHOR_EMAIL', 'AUTHOR_NAME', 'CYEAR', 'Drawing', 'Hz', 'Unit', 'VERSION', '__
builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__p
ackage__', '__path__', '__spec__', 'animate', 'base', 'cm', 'container', 'data',
'deg', 'drawing', 'elementfactory', 'em', 'etree', 'ex', 'filters', 'grad', 'gr
adients', 'image', 'inch', 'kHz', 'masking', 'mixins', 'mm', 'params', 'path', '
pattern', 'pc', 'percent', 'pt', 'px', 'rad', 'rgb', 'shapes', 'text', 'utils',
'validator2', 'version']
For example you can add some text:svg_doc.add(svg_document.text("This add new svg text",\
insert = (10, 10)))