
Saturday, April 29, 2023

Extension for inkscape with python.

Today, I created the first Python extension for Inkscape, and although in theory, it seems easy, it is not really so.
You have to study a little and search the web, but I created a tutorial on one of my website.
The idea is to use at least two files with different extensions.
I named one catafest_extension.inx and the other
For the Python file, I used this source code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright (C) 2023 Catalin George Festila,

Simple test extension for inkscape

import inkex
# add by me 

from lxml import etree
def draw_SVG_square(w,h, x,y, parent):
    style = { 'stroke'        : 'none',
              'stroke-width'  : '1',
              'fill'          : '#0000FF'

    attribs = {
        'style'     : str(inkex.Style(style)),
        'height'    : str(h),
        'width'     : str(w),
        'x'         : str(x),
        'y'         : str(y)
    patrat = etree.SubElement(
        parent, inkex.addNS('rect','svg'), attribs )
    return patrat

class MyExtension(inkex.Effect):
    def __init__(self):

    def effect(self):
        self.msg("This is an empty extension created by catafest !")
        parent = self.svg.get_current_layer()
        draw_SVG_square(100,100, 0,0, parent)

if __name__ == '__main__':
The result is this