
Sunday, December 27, 2020

Python 3.9.1 : Testing the drawSvg python package.

The tutorial for today is about drawSvg python package.
This python package let you to create SVG images (vector drawings) and rendering them or displaying them in a Jupyter notebook.
Let's install it with pip3 tool:
[mythcat@desk ~]$ cd PythonProjects/
[mythcat@desk PythonProjects]$ pip3 install drawSvg
Successfully installed drawSvg-1.7.0 imageio-2.9.0
A simple source code test added to python script:
import drawSvg as draw

# Draw a frame of the animation
def draw_frame(t):
    #Create draw surface and add a geometric shapes ...
    out = draw.Drawing(1, 1, origin=(0,0))
    out.append(draw.Rectangle(0, 0, 5, 5, fill='white'))
    y = t + 0.3
    out.append(draw.Circle(0.5, y, 0.5, fill='blue'))
    return out

with draw.animate_video('example.gif', draw_frame, duration=0.01) as anim:
    # Add each frame to the animation
    for i in range(20):
You can change the source code and open the GIF animation file:
[mythcat@desk PythonProjects]$ vi
[mythcat@desk PythonProjects]$ python 
[mythcat@desk PythonProjects]$ google-chrome example.gif
The result of the source code is this: