
Sunday, June 21, 2020

Python 3.8.3 : Using twitter application with python-twitter - part 002.

This is the second part of tutorials series with python-twitter.
Today I will show you how to get pieces of information about friends, users and save into a binary file with pickle known as cPickle.
I will use my old source code from the last tutorial.
import os
import twitter
# for save to file import by python version
   import cPickle as pickle
   import pickle

consumer_key=' '
consumer_secret=' '
token_key=' '
token_secret=' '

if __name__ == "__main__":
    api = twitter.Api(consumer_key=consumer_key,
    screen_name = 'catafest'
    # print all users of this account authentificated 
    # you can use GetFriends(screen_name=screen_name) 
    users = api.GetFriends()
    print([u.screen_name for u in users])
    # get followers 
    followers = api.GetFollowers(screen_name=screen_name)
    # print followers 
    print([f.screen_name for f in followers])
    # ... and save into a binary file 
    followers_file = "followers_file.bin"
    if not os.path.exists(followers_file):
        pickle.dump(followers, open(followers_file, "wb"), protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    # load binary file     
    if os.path.exists(followers_file):
        followers_read = pickle.load(open(followers_file, "rb"))
The result is similar with this:
python.exe .\
['SnapChick', 'NASA', 'andor_saga', 'blendermarket', 'Minehut', 'Aternos', 'axnro', 'Flexi23',
['PStackoverflow', 'SamLeac86078418', 'Sohanurr559', 'jasonalba', 'avkorablev', 'dotnetfiddle',
[User(ID=1260415029855256583, ScreenName=PStackoverflow), 