
Thursday, May 14, 2020

Python 3.8.3 : Pyxel free game engine.

Pyxel is a free game engine is build for create old fashioned pixel art style games easily.
Pyxel is published under MIT License.
This allow you to use 2D sprites, sound and interactions.
The project can be found at the GitHub webpage.
The basic features are:
  • Run on Windows, Mac, and Linux
  • Code writing with Python3
  • Fixed 16 color palette
  • 256x256 sized 3 image banks
  • 256x256 sized 8 tilemaps
  • 4 channels with 64 definable sounds
  • 8 musics which can combine arbitrary sounds
  • Keyboard, mouse, and gamepad inputs
  • Image and sound editor
The instalation is easy.
pip3 install pyxel
Collecting pyxel
Successfully installed altgraph-0.17 pefile-2019.4.18 pyinstaller-3.6 pywin32-ctypes-0.2.0 pyxel-1.3.7
Use this command to start the tool for create sprites and sounds.
You can test many examples on GitHub.
The basic example from the web is simple:
import pyxel

class App:
    def __init__(self):
        pyxel.init(160, 120, caption="Hello Pyxel")
        pyxel.image(0).load(0, 0, "assets/pyxel_logo_38x16.png"), self.draw)

    def update(self):
        if pyxel.btnp(pyxel.KEY_Q):

    def draw(self):
        pyxel.text(55, 41, "Hello, Pyxel!", pyxel.frame_count % 16)
        pyxel.blt(61, 66, 0, 0, 0, 38, 16)


I start with a simple example. I don't find a collision system on Pyxel. Let's see the source code:
import pyxel
from pyxel import circ, cls, flip, init
from random import randint

# the position of the ball
x = y = 30  
# the speed of the ball
v = w = 3  
# create the screen as 160x120 size
pyxel.init(160, 112)  
data = [70, 60, 30, 70]

 # draw a line below the bar chart

while True:
    # erase the screen with color number 1 (blue)

    # process the movement of the ball
    x += v
    y += w
    r = randint(0, 160)  
    a = randint(0, 112)
    rr = randint(0, 160) 
    aa = randint(0, 112)
    # create random lines on screen
    pyxel.line(a, aa, r, rr, 5)

    # set the border
    if x <= 7 or x >= 160:
        x = min(max(x, 7), 160)
        v = -v

    if y <= 7 or y >= 112:
        y = min(max(y, 7), 112)
        w = -w
    # draw the ball with different colors
    pyxel.circ(x, y, 4, pyxel.frame_count % 8) 
    # create a simple chart
    for i, d in enumerate(data):
        pyxel.rect(i * 33 + 10, 120 - d, 10, d, 8 + i) 

    # draw the game