
Thursday, December 5, 2019

Python 3.7.5 : About PEP 8.

Today is December 5, 2019, and this is the reason I wrote about PEP 8.
The official webpage can be found at this webpage.
PEP 8 recommends using 4 spaces to show indentation and tabs should only be used to maintain consistency in the code.
The Python Library is conservative and 79 characters are the maximum required line limit as suggested by PEP 8.
The main goal is to avoid line wrapping.
Indentation allows you to differentiate between multiple lines of code and a single line of code that spans multiple lines.
The closing braces with the first white-space character of the last line.
The use of blank lines can greatly improve the readability of your code.
This rule allows the reader to understand the separation of the sections of code and the relation between them.
TypeNaming ConventionsExamples
VariableUsing short names with CapWords.T, AnyString, My_First_Variable
FunctionUsing a lowercase word or words with underscores to improve readability.function, my_first_function
ClassUsing CapWords and do not use underscores between words.Student, MyFirstClass
MethodUsing lowercase words separated by underscores.Student_method, method
ConstantsUsing all capital letters with underscores separating wordsTOTAL, MY_CONSTANT, MAX_FLOW
ExceptionsUsing CapWords without underscores.IndexError, NameError
ModuleUsing short lower-case letters using,
PackageUsing short lowercase words and underscores are discouraged.package, my_first_package
About comments, PEP 8 basically recommends using block comments for general-purpose coding.
Document strings or docstrings start at the first line of any function, class, file, module or method.
These type of comments are enclosed between single quotations ( ''') or double quotations ( """ ).
To improving the readability of expressions and statements use whitespace for any character or sequence of characters.
We need to avoiding whitespaces:
  • inside parentheses, brackets, or braces;
  • before a comma, a semicolon, or a colon;
  • before open parenthesis that initiates the argument list of a function call;
  • before an open bracket that begins an index or a slice;
  • between a trailing comma and a closing parenthesis;
  • to adjust assignment operators;
PEP 8 recommends using a clear development for implementation of source code, for example PEP recommends using .startswith() and .endswith() instead of list slicing.
You can check whether your code actually complies with the rules and regulations of PEP 8 or not.
The linters is a program that analyzes your code and detects program errors, syntax errors, bugs, and structural problems.
An autoformatted tool will format your code to adapt to PEP 8 automatically.
Both tools used to implement and check PEP 8 compliance.
To know more about PEP 8 and its book of guidelines, you can refer to
You can check it online at this webpage.