
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Python 3.7.4 : Print with random colors.

This is a simple example for custom print output.
The script detect the platform for color settings and then use print.
The first print will print with blue color the name of the script.
I used random to select a random color from colors array and used to print the -=RANDOM COLOR=- text.
The print (W+'') is used to set default white color for terminal
import sys
import random
if sys.platform == "linux" or sys.platform == "linux2":
        BB = "\033[34;1m" # Blue light
        YY = "\033[33;1m" # Yellow light
        GG = "\033[32;1m" # Green light
        WW = "\033[0;1m"  # White light
        RR = "\033[31;1m" # Red light
        CC = "\033[36;1m" # Cyan light
        B = "\033[34m"    # Blue
        Y = "\033[33m"    # Yellow
        G = "\033[32m"    # Green
        W = "\033[0m"     # White
        R = "\033[31m"    # Red
        C = "\033[36m"    # Cyan
colors = [BB,YY,GG,WW,RR,CC,B,Y,G,W,R,C]
print (B+"\033[2;2m "+sys.argv[0]+"\n"+B)

print (color+"-=RANDOM COLOR=-"+color)
print (W+'')
For winodws platform you need to add this:
elif sys.platform == "win32":

 BB = '' # Blue light
 YY = '' # Yellow light
 GG = '' # Green light
 WW = '' # White light
 RR = '' # Red light
 CC = '' # Cyan light
 B = ''  # Blue
 Y = ''  # Yellow
 G = ''  # Green
 W = ''  # White
 R = ''  # Red
 C = ''  # Cyan
 P = ''  # Random color