
Saturday, July 20, 2019

Python 3.7.3 : Use BeautifulSoup to parse Instagram account.

This example is a bit more complex because it parses the source code in a more particular way depending on it.
The basic idea of this script is to take the content of an Instagram account in the same way as a web browser.
For my account I found a parsing error, I guess the reason is using the points, see
    scripts_content = json.loads(scripts[0].text.strip())
IndexError: list index out of range
In this case comment this line of code and will work:
For the other accounts I've tried, it works very well with the default script.
This is the script I used:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import json
import re

from pprint import pprint

instagram_url = ''
#example user instagram profile_url = sherwoodseries
profile_url=str(input("name of the instagram user: "))

#UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\U0001f48b' in posit ion 5022: character maps to 
#fix write text file with  encoding='utf-8'
file1 = open("_shared_data.txt","w", encoding='utf-8') 

#profile_url = ''
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}
response = requests.get(f"{instagram_url}/{profile_url}", headers = headers)

if response.ok:
    html = response.text
    bs_html = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
    # get info from ... type="application/ld+json">{"@context":"http:\/\/","@type":"Person","name":
    scripts ='script[type="application/ld+json"]')
    #scripts_content = json.loads(scripts[0].text.strip())

    #print scripts_content like json 
    #print(json.dumps(scripts_content,indent = 4,sort_keys = True))

    #print just part of source code get by 'script' (0 .. n), see n = 6 
    script_tag = bs_html.find('script', text=re.compile('window\._sharedData'))
    shared_data = script_tag.string.partition('=')[-1].strip(' ;')

    #get item from shared data, see "language_code":"en"
    rex_item  = re.compile('(?<=\"language_code\":\")[a-zA-Z_\- ]+(?=\")')
    rex_get_item = rex_item.findall(shared_data)  
    #get url image from shared data
    rex_url  = re.compile('(?<=\"display_url\":\")[^\s\"]+(?=\")')
    rex_get_url = rex_url.findall(shared_data)  
    # load like a json 
    result_json = json.loads(shared_data)
    data = bs_html.find_all('meta', attrs={'property': 'og:description'})
    bb = data[0].get('content').split()
    user = '%s %s %s' % (bb[-3], bb[-2], bb[-1])
    # get from bb parts 
    posts = bb[4]
    print('all string: ',bb)
    print('number of posts: ',posts)
    print('name and the user: ',user)

    # write any output show by print into _a.txt file, see example
    #example: write to _shared_data.txt file the shared_data
#after write, close the file 
This is a part of the output for sherwoodseries account:
all string:  ['95', 'Followers,', '24', 'Following,', '56', 'Posts', '-', 'See',
 'Instagram', 'photos', 'and', 'videos', 'from', 'Sherwood', 'Series', '(@sherwo
number of posts:  56
name and the user:  Sherwood Series (@sherwoodseries)