
Monday, June 17, 2019

Python Qt5 : the most simple QTreeWidget - part 002.

This tutorial uses PyQt5 and Python version 3.7.3.
Let's install the PyQt5 python module with the pip tool:
C:\Python373\Scripts>pip install PyQt5
Collecting PyQt5
Successfully installed PyQt5-5.12.2 PyQt5-sip-4.19.17
Let's see one simple example with comments about how to use QTreeWidget.
import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTreeWidget, QTreeWidgetItem, QApplication, QWidget

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # create a empty my_app application
    my_app = ''
    # test this my_app to create instance
    if QApplication.instance() != None:
        my_app = QApplication.instance()
        my_app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    # create a QTreeWidgetItem with tree columns
    my_tree= QTreeWidgetItem(["Column A", "Column B", "Column C"])
    # add date using a for loop 
    for i in range(6):
        list_item_row = QTreeWidgetItem(["Child A-" + str(i), "Child B-" + str(i), "Child C-" + str(i)])
    # create my_widget widget
    my_widget = QWidget()
    my_widget.resize(640, 180)
    # create a QTreeWidget named my_tree_widget 
    my_tree_widget = QTreeWidget(my_widget)
    # set the size
    my_tree_widget.resize(640, 180)
    # set the number of columns 
    # add labels for each column 
    my_tree_widget.setHeaderLabels(["Column A label", "Column B label", "Column C label"])
    # add my_tree using addTopLevelItem
    # show the widget
    # the exit of my_app
This is another simple example written in a simple way to show how versatile are Python and PyQt5.
import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QTreeWidget, QTreeWidgetItem
my_app = QApplication(sys.argv)
my_window = QWidget()
my_layout = QVBoxLayout(my_window)
my_tree = QTreeWidget()
my_tree.setHeaderLabels(['Name', 'Cost ($)'])
my_item_root = QTreeWidgetItem(my_tree, ['Romania', '238,397 kmp'])
my_item_raw = QTreeWidgetItem(my_item_root, ['Black Sea', '436,402 kmp'])
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