
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Working with PEP 8 conventions ...

I am wrote my own python scripts to long time ago and now I saw many of this scripts are a mess  in terms of PEP criteria.
What is the pep criteria? The PEP describing style guidelines for the C code in the C implementation of Python.
If you using Blender 3D/Python development  then you need to follow the PEP 8.
The PEP 8 and can be found here and the authors are: Guido van Rossum , Barry Warsaw and Nick Coghlan.
Today I will show you a brief listing of pep8 criteria:
-indentation of 4 spaces not use tabs
-camel caps for class names: MyClass , AnotherClass
-all lower case underscore separated module names: my_module, another_module
-use explicit imports, not importing '*'
-imports should usually be on separate lines, not import os,sys
-adding whitespace around the operators , not 1+2 or 7+ 3
-don't use spaces around the = sign , not a = b +1
-use single quotes for enums, and double quotes for strings
-each line of a block comment starts with a # and a single space
-don't make comments that contradict the code
-if you want to writing good documentation strings then follow the PEP 257 conventions.
-run checks for pep8 compliance
# <pep8 compliant=""></pep8>
-and enable line length checks use this instead
# <pep8-80 compliant=""></pep8-80>
-don't use multiple statements on the same line, like:
if foo == 'test': do_test_thing()
one_test(); two_test()
... this is the correct way:
if foo == 'test':
Also you can read about Blender 3D/Python and PEP 8 best practice here.