
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Things that prevent complications ... part 1

The difference between ... input and raw_input
input returns an object that's the result of evaluating the expression. raw_input returns a string ...

The difference between ... Python 3 and Python 2
If you run the Python 3, do not use sample code written for Python 2, you'll just end with many errors and much confusion ...

The difference between ... extend and append on a list
Extend just extend a list with another list by adding each element on list, append add the list like one element...

The difference between ... function and method
Method is a function with an extra parameter which is the object that it's to run on...

The difference between ... deleting a variable and deleting its contents
By removing its contents by setting NoneType variable allows you to add a new value.

These are just a few differences, in reality they are much more ... I will return with others ...